Location: ACT
Reference: #8027 & 8030
Pharmacy Sale Prices: $1,500,000 & $3,500,000


These long established pharmacies are both located in busy shopping centers in Canberra.

Ideally, they will be sold as a package, however the opportunity to purchase only one will be considered. 

Pharmacy Metrics Pharmacy #1 Pharmacy #2
Sale Price $1.5M $3.5M
Proj FY 24 Revenue $6.03M $7.4M
Proj FY 24 Scripts per day 175+ 250+
Remaining tenure 2 years 2 years (+ 2 x 5 year options)


Please email Prue (prue@pharmacysolutions.com.au) for a Confidentiality Agreement.

Peter Marshall
Mobile: 0417 721 203
Email: peterm@pharmacysolutions.com.au