Canberra Pharmacy for Sale (#8024)

Location: Canberra ACT Reference: #8024 Pharmacy Price: $3,400,000 DETAILS: This long-established pharmacy is located in a busy suburban shopping centre right next to Coles, as well as a busy medical centre. The owners have not been actively involved in the day to day running of the pharmacy for many years. The business is ready to

ACT Pharmacies for Sale (#8027 & #8030)

Location: ACT Reference: #8027 & 8030 Pharmacy Sale Prices: $1,500,000 & $3,500,000 DETAILS: These long established pharmacies are both located in busy shopping centers in Canberra. Ideally, they will be sold as a package, however the opportunity to purchase only one will be considered.  Pharmacy Metrics Pharmacy #1 Pharmacy #2 Sale Price $1.5M $3.5M Proj

South Canberra Pharmacy for Sale (#8021)

Location: South Canberra ACT Reference: #8021 Pharmacy Price: $4,250,000 DETAILS Just released to the market is the opportunity to purchase a pharmacy in the tightly held Canberra region. Pharmacy Metrics: FY 24 Projected Income - Circa $4.5M FY 24 Projected Scripts per day - 250+ Located in a busy Shopping Centre Please email Prue ( for